An Innovative Opportunities Network for Visionaries, Creatives, Entrepreneurs & Professionals
CYG is an innovative opportunities network. The project places a strong focus on supporting visionaries, creatives,
entrepreneurs and professionals of all ages and at all levels.
If you’re looking for inspired ways to use your creative talents and you want to connect with like-minded individuals, the CYG network is for you! ​
To curate your genius means to accept your greatness; to go the extra mile to hone the phenomenal gold within.
It's time to open some doors. Let's go!
Asha Harkness
Founder | Trainer | EDI Consultant
Founder | Careers by Cathryn
Careen Hanson
Practice Learning & Programme Lead | Senior Lecturer
Shae Eccleston
Entrepreneur | Founder | Creative Consultant | Author | Trainer | Storyteller & Story Protector
Shehnaaz Latif
Founder | Trainer | Creative Facilitator | Expert Capability Builder
Sara Chandran
Entrepreneur & Founder
Keira Allen-Anderson
Host | Creative | Visionary
Sinead Fetalino
Host | Creative | Digital Marketing Intern
You can purchase a ticket for Pathway 1, Pathway 2 or Pathway 3. This means that you will attend all of the sessions for that particular pathway.
Tickets for our next event, are live!!
Pathway 1
Pathway 2
Pathway 3
Workshop #1
Unleash Your Inner Creative
Are you a creative or do you want to be one? What makes a creative, creative? How do you unlock all of the potential you possess? What are the options for someone who is at the start of their journey
into creativity?
Workshop #1
The Chaotic Brain
You've heard the saying, 'clear house, clear head'? That goes for all aspects of our lives. Creatives are notorious
for being busy-minded but that is not necessarily a negative thing. Find out how to organise your innovative thoughts whilst you balance life and art.
Workshop #2
My Happiness vs Yours
You started creating for yourself and people told you that you had a gift. That gift turned into a skill and that skill, into a career.
Discuss how to go from pleasing yourself to working for clients.
Workshop #2
Letting Go of Self Doubt
The biggest fear for many creatives is that they are not good enough. It can be a valid fear but can also be a destructive force for failure. Find out how to balance healthy self-reflection with confidence to die for.
Workshop #3
How to Build an Empire
You know what you want to be and why you want to be it, but where do you begin and what obstacles might you face? Find out what it takes to build an empire.
Workshop #3
Who Are You?
Your brand is so much more than just your logo. It's your character, your ethos, your motto, your method of engagement and everything else that people think of when they look at you or at something you've produced. Figure out who you are so that you can deliver what you are, with confidence.
Workshop #1
It’s easy to feel small in a big space. It’s also easy to compare what you’re attempting to do with others you feel are doing it better. Comparison is the thief of joy. So, we hear you ask, how do you know your market and competition without feeling overwhelmed? Simple. Remember, Wonderland was a whole world filled with opportunities and richness!
Workshop #2
The Speed Run
Speed runners, in gaming, are some of the most tenacious beings alive. Their intention is to learn the game, glitches and all, so that they can hone the skills that allow them to improve and innovate each time they play. Being a natural creative, it can be easy to fall back on our talent and fail to hone our craft. How can you speed run your creative talents?
Workshop #3
Law & Order
In every facet of life, it’s important to organise and strategise. To get the what confirmed so that the how can be explored. What will it take for you to make it?
Panel A
Catch Me If You Can
Now that you have the WHAT, WHY and HOW covered, it's time to conquer the world!
Be inspired, ask questions and challenge one another, as the panel offer wisdom & knowledge as well as sharing
practical tips for success. Full steam ahead! Let them catch you if they can!
Panel B
End Game
Now that you have the WHAT, WHY and HOW covered, it's time to conquer the world!
Be inspired, ask questions and challenge one another, as the panel offer wisdom & knowledge as well as sharing
practical tips for success. Visualise your end game then put the tools in place to win!
Panel C
Let's Go!!!
Now that you have the WHAT, WHY and HOW covered, it's time to conquer the world!
Be inspired, ask questions and challenge one another, as the panel offer wisdom & knowledge as well as sharing
practical tips for success. Embark on the journey, be ready to succeed with a willingness to pivot.